Mattawans’s 19 Million Bond

A nearly $20 million bond proposal to demolish old school buildings at Mattawan Consolidated Schools was passed at the beginning of last year. This year was the first year that the buildings that superseded those destroyed buildings have been used by the new class. The new elementary school has sparked jealousy in some of the highschool students. When recently asked John Doe stated I’m just sad I missed the chance to learn at the new elementary.

The demolished buildings

The buildings demolished was the later elementary school, the school has since been striped out and the playground removed to prepare for actual demolition of the building. This proves to be a sad moment for the original school has gone through many classes of students. Most of which are sad to see it go.

To replace these old buildings Mattawan Proposed buildin 2 new elementery schools, one of which was unveiled at the begining of this school year, for more information on that Click Here

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